Saturday, April 11, 2009


Relations in nature occur between people, people and animals as well as people and plants.
When I see my husband sad I relate to his feelings with a caress and a softer tone of voice. When I'm ill my little dog relates to my illness laying close to me . When I sing the vibrations of my voice relates to my flowers that seem to perk their petals up. Looks, hands and body gestures all relate and show different emotions shown by any source of life.


Sunday, April 5, 2009


Mother nature is still playing April's fool with us. After a gorgeous day of spring sun shine and warn air here comes bad weather again. Rain, cold and darkness. Thank God I did not plant the garden yet. It is foreseen to go back down to 35 F. by tomorrow night. We are really jumping from hot to cold. we change from T-shirts to leather jackets every few days. Our poor body has a hard time to adjust to these sudden changes. Doctors offices are full of sick people. Everybody seems to be taking pills. Personally I just take Propolis, vitamins and minerals. I stay away from lab created medication. I believe mother nature put everything out there for us. We just have to recognize and learn how to use it again, just like our grandparents use to do.
We pray for sun shining days and stabilized temperatures so our bodies can finally find it's own atmospheric balance again and feel healthy and in good spirits again.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

rain, rain go away

We had two gorgeous spring days. Happiness and loudness was in the air. Then boom! Bad air system crossed and our beautiful spring was left behind. Rain, cold, humid and dark. The poor birds were confused, some abandoned their half built nest. Squirrels retrieved in the tree cavities again and silence reigned again.
Today the sun gifted us with his warm smile again. Hope this time it will shine and warm our spirits with it's light. We hope spring is here to stay and Easter will be again a blessed event full of children laughter's and joy

Monday, March 9, 2009

warm is love

It is amazing how character brightens with the sun shine. Pale faces look rosier, smiles appear on people' faces, walk pace become brisker.
Ancient dynasties adored the sun and the moon as the main Gods.
The God Lord gifted us with the sun and the moon and without them there would not be life as it is.
Sun inspires joy, darkness inspires gloom. Gloominess brings depression and the death of the soul. Sun shine rejuvenates feelings of love and caring